
Wednesday 20 December 2017

More French in Egypt

The French in Egypt units are mustering into service at an alarming rate. In the last five days two infantry and an artillery unit have entered service.
First is the Third Battalion, 88th Demi-Brigade de Bataille. This demi-brigade, readers may recall, was variously uniformed  with either crimson or violet coats. I presented the first battalion in violet and the second in crimson coats. This third battalion I have done with a mix of coat colours, I have also given the officer green trousers for some variety.


The second unit is the First Battalion, 85th Demi-Brigade de Bataille, with brown coats, scarlet collar and yellow cuffs and coat tails. I was a little unsure about the brown coats at first, but now that the unit is completed I like it. The drummer in reversed colours helps to lift the unit (even though yellow is such an awkward colour to use).


The final piece is another 8lb gun and crew for the field artillery, this time in hats and not casques.

This will be the last of the field artillery for the army. A future order will include another four 4lb guns that will be attached to the infantry brigades.
On the painting table at the moment is the 22nd Chasseurs á Cheval and the limber for the 8lb gun above.


  1. As always you have been amazingly productive and the new recruits look great!

    1. Thanks. It is really starting to take shape now.

  2. The legend is 'en marche'...superb!

    1. Thank you Phil. I hope it won't be too long before it will "en avant"!

  3. More great work Mark - have a good Christmas in Fiji and I will catch up with you in the New Year!

    1. Thanks Keith. Complements of the season to you and your family too. Will you make the Russo-Japanese game on the 7th?

  4. Mark! Mustering out at an alarming rate is no joke! Great looking work and off the painting desk at an alarming rate.

    1. Uniform issue will slow for a while from Saturday as e painting table is retired for other seasonal activities, but the goal is still to have the French forces conpketed by mid-January. Of course there are already plans to expend the army beyond the original scope.

    2. I just took a gander at your painting tally sidebar. 1,000+ points painted in December alone? Hard to imagine. I bet the participants in the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge are happy not to see your name listed among the competitors.

    3. I will probably cram another 200-250 points in before the end of the year too many chores aren't found for me.

    4. Sime would say obsessed, but what a magnificent obsession!

  5. Lovely mix of colours, but I can't believe the progress. Surely you must be on track for your most productive year?

    1. Yes the brown costs surprised me. The look really sharp. Tonight will see the chasseurs á cheval finished...they are impressive. My productivity will be down a little on last year. Just took a delivery of 60 palm trees (fo $25) from China

  6. Great stuff Mark...
    There is a surprisingly large amount of red or brown uniforms in the Army of the Orient...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Yes I sometimes think that General Kleber was the Jean-Paul Gautier of his time...breaking with the tradition of the red while and blue of the Revolution - for a sensible reason of course. The units I have chosen give me one demi-brigade in each of the coat colours - red, crimson, brown, light blue and bright green.
