
Sunday 31 December 2017

Farewell 2017 - the Year's End Wrap Up

So I have finished my last two items for 2017.

The 3rd Battalion, 85th Demi-Brigade de Battaille...

...and an put my recent palm tree studies to practical use.

And the annual results? What was intended to be a quiet year on the painting front wasn't quiet at all - how many times have I said that over the years?

I managed to complete three projects from previous years, the WWI East Africa, the Retreat from Moscow and the Russian Napoleonics. I started and completed two projects in their entirety, the Dark Ages and War of 1812. I have started two new projects, the French in Egypt and French Napoleonic (1812-1813). I made numerous scenic items in support of the armies.

The count is impressive I must admit. In all there were:

842 foot figures
190 mounted figures
26 guns
6 pieces of equipment
117 pieces of terrain

By project these are broken down:

Retreat from Moscow
69 Foot
7 Mounted
1 gun
1 piece of equipment
Russian Napoleonic
316 Foot
75 Mounted
10 Guns
Prussian Napoleonic
4 Foot
27 Mounted
1 Gun
French Napoleonic
24 Foot
12 Mounted
French in Egypt
169 Foot
65 Mounted
8 guns
4 pieces of equipment
WWI East Africa
76 Foot
3 Mounted
5 Guns
Dark Ages
108 Foot
War of 1812
75 Foot
1 Mounted
1 gun
Scenic Items
117 pieces

When the painting points (5 points per foot, 10 points per mounted, 10 points per gun or piece of equipment and 10 points for every 1 hour session of scratch building) are applied a total of 10,730 points is arrived at, 1,397 short of last year's total of 12,125.

Broken down by project the score looks like this:

I had hoped to play more games this year, but managed only 20 compared to last year's 21. Of those 20 games they were spread between 11 different historical periods: 4 x First Carlist War, 4 x Napoleonic, 2 x English Civil War, 2 x Spanish Civil War, 2 x WWI, one each, Wars of the Roses, American Civil War, Dark Ages, Crimean War and WWII.

So what does the New Year hold in store?

First up will be the completion of the French in Egypt, which should be done by the end of January - although watch out for a bit of scope creep here. Next up will be the much delayed Heavy Brigade for the British Crimean army. Third will be the British in Egypt, supported by a small force of Ottomans. While all these are going on I will plug away at the French Napoleonics, but this is an army that will build up over a longer period of time.

Beyond those four projects I am still keen to dabble in the Great Northern War. I am very keen to see the Perry Napoleonic Swedes, which would also require a small expansion of the Russian Napoleonics. The new Perry Spanish Napoleonics also look interesting. 

Happy New Year to all!


  1. Nearly 11,000 painting points worth of output in 2017? I am nearly speechless in describing your ability to turn lead into gold.

    Well done and Happy New Year!

  2. Another great job, beautiful unit and this oasis is a materpiece...may be a mirage! Happy New Year Mark!

    1. Thank you Phil. More palm tree related item to follow in the next few days.

  3. Replies
    1. Not bad for a "quiet year" is it? I really do need to restrict my collections as space is becoming an issue.

  4. I had a feeling that you were setting a blistering pace, but had no idea your total output would be that much. That oasis looks terrific.

    1. I expect that I will start with a hiss and a roar this year, but it will slow down mid to late year.

      I am putting the finishing touches to another palm related project that I may post about tonight.

  5. Lovely oasis, nice unit, staggering amount of painting! Happy new year!
    Best Iain
