
Thursday 14 December 2017

An Egyptian Focus

After what some would call the “butterfly effect” that saw me flitting between projects last week, this is a more structured week focussing entirely on the French in Egypt.
First off the desk is the 1st Battalion, 22e Demi-Brigade Légere. I had started this a couple of weeks ago, but could not complete it until the pack of colonels arrived. 

One of the other colonels was used to complete the 1st Battalion, 88e Demi-Brigade while the third, more sedate figure (below), will find a place amongst the army’s command.

Next are two more completion items, and are the guns to go with the limber sets. Here are two 8lb guns in travel mode and a 4lb gun. I have another 8lb gun to be finished.

Finally the jewel of the week is the horse artillery set. For this I chose to use the “Running up 4lb gun in dolmans” set. I chose these because poses are so dramatic and seem to suit horse artillery. The uniform, with all that red, is striking. I really like this set.

The gun is accompanied by a six-horse limber set that is painted, but not yet based.


  1. Your attention to details is, once again, the paint job, and the traces of wheel in the ground...

    1. Thank you Phil. Those wheel ruts help to provide texture to the base.

  2. More great additions to this exciting project Mark!

    1. Yescit is coming togther well. The plan has more than half of the project completed by year's end

  3. Very nice and that artillery piece looks wonderful. The basing really sets them off nicely as well.

    1. And yet the basing is is the simplest and most minimalist approach I have ever taken to basing - perhaps that is why it works so well.

  4. Oh, the horse artillery is so nice! Dynamic, in-motion posing and the red on blue is fab!

    1. Yes I rather like this unit. The two fellows straining on each wheel to push it forward in the sand and then the man with the rammer lending an hand from the front. You can feel the urgency to get that gun back into action.

  5. Lovely toys Mark...
    I am also a big fan of the horse artillery... it’s a classic Alan Perry set.
    And the uniform...Red and Blue Hussar style... simple but beautiful.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. it is a shame that there weren't more horse batteries in Egypt then I could justify painting more of them! I am lining up the light cavalry for next week, but I suspect that various Christmas events will play havoc with my carefully planned schedule!

  6. Very nice work, agreed great pose on the HA :)

    1. Thanks Mark. I am really enjoying this project.

  7. Mark
    These are coming along a treat, looking forward to seeing how this project takes shape over the Christmas period.

    1. Yes they are coming together quite nicely, Stu. I have several more units finished now, just waiting for the bases to be completed. They should appear on these pages in the next day or two.

  8. Lovely work on the horse artillery, great colours complementing the dynamic poses, the line infantry (complete with command) look mighty fine as well!
    Best Iain

    1. While the whole range is great, the horse artillery are my favrorites so far...but that may be overtaken by the chasseurs á cheval that will be started this week - I mean bright green jackets and overalls with orange facing and white frogging is going to be hard to beat.
