
Saturday 4 November 2017

War of 1812 Project (2)

The 15th US Infantry, the second unit of infantry for Scott's Brigade in the War of 1812 is completed. 

This time the unit is is firing line poses. Originally I had planned to mix the marching and firing poses, with the former forming the back rank and the latter the front, but once I had the figures on site, I decided not to mix them. The result is that Scott's Brigade will be made up of two regiments marching and two in firing line.

Also coming off the painting table, well technically it is still on the table, is the first of the French in Egypt items - the two-camel artillery limber and Ottoman driver. I can't quite complete this yet, one because I need the spare gun to sit on the limber (that I haven't ordered yet), and two because the dry grass tufts needed to complete the basing are on back-order and probably won't be here for another couple of weeks. But it is a start on what is shaping up to be a very interesting project.


  1. The 15th US looks great but your pair of camels look so cool.
    Great job!

    1. Thanks Jonathan. The camels were a welcome distraction. The Ottoman driver was really fun to work on.

  2. A very interesting project, agree with you Mark, excellent job so far...and a beautiful addition with this 15th US, painting and photographing are superb!

    1. Thank you Phil. I am forcing myself to finish the last two US regiments before I move onto the French in Egypt. So it will be another two weeks before I will do any serious work on the project.

  3. Wonderful stuff Mark, Keep the focus.

    1. As tempting as that dromedary unit is, I shall resist it.

  4. US infantry look great, I do really like the dromedary driver and his charges!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. I agree he is a lot of fun. I am looking forward to assembling the whole model when the gun arrives.

  5. That was a quickly painted unit! And I'm loving those camels

    1. Three nights. The uniform is pretty straightforward, so it is just a matter of routine. The main unit of dromedaries is going to be pretty spectacular, I think.

  6. Both projects are looking good Mark - I see you posted this within the last 24 hours - I thought you were heading over to Phil's neck of the woods?

    1. Yes I head off tonight - 30 hours of joy in a tin can.

    2. Ok well have a safe trip and hopefully you get some time for toy soldier shopping!

    3. Thanks Keith. In the lounge now with two hours to wait. I have a rest day on Tuesday and there is a toy soldier shop within walking distance of the hotel. I amsurevI can find something to start up a new period!

  7. Great work on the 15th, and those camels and driver have come up beautifully. They look like nice models to work with.

    1. Thanks Lawrence. They are indeed great to work on. I am looking forward to working on the next unit, although that will have to wait a week or so.
