
Friday 24 November 2017

The Regiment of Dromedaries - Dismounted

With the mounted version of this regiment painted, based and posted on Tuesday, I have now painted based and posted the dismounted version. 

The riderless camels and their handlers are on there way and should be here in the first week of December.

In progress is another gun and limber set.

Next up is some infantry I think, or maybe some generals.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes they are rather special, aren't they. I am looking forward to working on the infantry. I am starting with the 88e Demi Brigade...there is something rather appealing about a French unit in violet coats with blue collars and bright green facings!

  2. Splendid uniform and wonderful job!

    1. I agree, Phil, they are a grand looking unit and hoe can you go past a French unit wearing red, whte and blue?

  3. A rather splendid unit sir...
    My ambitions for this period run to a small skirmish set up ala Songs of Drums and Shako’s...
    I am thinking French Dromedaries v British Light Dragoons...

    All the best. Aly

    1. I often think "I'll just do a small force" them my inherent megalomania kicks in and next thing you know there are twenty units on the table. These figures are so nice and characterful that I just want to collect every figure type.

  4. Yes they really are pretty Mark.....but can they fight?!
