
Sunday 8 October 2017

Project Management - Progress

Back in August I took up Nate's challenge on his Natholeon's Empires blog to publish  my "project statement".
After a full month away from painting, here is the first update on that statement.

Two units of Prussian Napoleonic cavalry have come off the painting desk this week to complete the first milestone on the project plan.

First is a regiment of hussars - I struggled with this unit...I am not great working with green.

Second is dragoon regiment, which was much less of a struggle...I am much happier working with blue.

Napoleonic Prussian Project Milestone
Two regiments (12 figures each) of cavalry - COMPLETED
1 horse artillery battery (1 gun four crew) – COMPLETED
Targeted completion date - late October 2017 – ACTUAL COMPLETION EARLY OCTOBER
Scope creep – Minimal. I added three Prussian mounted officers.

Next Milestone: War of 1812 Americans - STATUS: figures ordered

Project Red Flag: A significant scope creep is probable with the announcement from Perry Miniatures that they are working on Napoleonic Swedes. This could result in the addition of a Swedish army and an expansion of the Russians to cover the earlier period.

Also completed this week were the remaining artillery shellfire markers for our upcoming WWI East Africa game.


  1. Ahead of schedule, Mark, well done. I'm looking forward to seeing War of 1812 hit the table. And yes, you will have to do the Swedes ;)

    1. Yes I have already researched the Swedes and drawn up an order (subject to what the Perrys actually turn out). I have also figured out how many more Russians I will need.

      We are down your way next week for our annual event.

    2. Let us know if you get a good day for a visit. I'm on holiday for the next week, would be nice to catch up.

    3. Will do. I'll see how we are set. Worst come to worst we will be stopping for lunch at the Pig and Whistle about noon on Tuesday.

  2. More great additions to your Napoleonic army Mark!

    1. Yeah, I have been meaning to complete these for a long time. It is entirely possible that I may expand this with some more cavalry - maybe some cuirassiers or Landwehr lancers to give some variety, but not for a while yet.

  3. I like your cavalries...a lot!

  4. Prussian cavalry are terrific. The blue of the dragoons’ is eye catching. Great work as you pick right back up with your incredible productivity.

    1. Thank you Jonathan. I was disappointed with the hussars. I had great enthisuasm for these when I ordered them, but when I started working on them I struggled to maintain that enthusiasm. Maybe it was the dark tones or maybe it was my aging eyes, but I found it very difficult to pick out the detail and make them spectacular. The dragoons, on the other hand, with that cornflower blue coat and white cross belts were a pleasure to work with.

      Yes it was nice to get back into the painting process again, but it will slow down for a few weeks again until the lead pile is renewed. This week holds a lot in store on the gaming front, which will be reported in due course, so watch this space!

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  6. Very nice work, I just got in Prussian huzzars , artillery and some Landwehr. Part of an order to flesh out Russian, Prussian and Dutch Belgian forces, yes, an order to get free shippin. Naturally, received the order just a week before the Swedish army announcement. I will have to paint quickly to make room for the Swedes I wish to order. I stopped when the infantry total was 484!

    1. Thanks. 484 figures is a significant number to work with! I am hoping that the Swedes do not come out until next year to give me a chance to get ahead if my currentbproject plan.

  7. If the Swedes come out at the same speed as the Egyptian campaign, we are safe until after Christmas. I really like your Hussars! Your Dragoons are good as well. I know what you mean about green as a color....not always easy to come out the way you want.

    1. Thankfully I am not too concerned about the arrival time of the Swedes, since I have several other projects (including the Egyptian campaign) to get on with!

  8. Lovely work Mark. I know what you mean about green, in that it is unrewarding when compared to blue or red. Not as bad as yellow in my opinion though, which will be a factor on those Swedes.

    1. Strangely I don't find yellow too much of a problem if you try a yellow ochre as a base then a strong yellow like the GW. And I don't usually have an issue with green, just this time for some reason...I think (well actually I know) I need to get some new glasses!
