
Thursday 26 October 2017

Egyptian Ruins - Part 2 ... and more.

It has been a busy day today and a frustrating one to boot. Thankfully when I got home I found this on the doorstep.

A parcel from Brigade Games containing my order for War of 1812 Americans.

The Egyptian ruins are nearing completion. After the glue dried on the "stone blocks" in the cork pillars I needed to apply a texture on the  rest of the cork surface. I wanted a coarse texture so I used an artist's texture paste to which I added some fine sand then applied the mix with a pallet knife. When the texture paste was almost completely dry I rolled the pillar on a hard surface to flatten out any ridge lines left by the pallet knife.

The textured full length pillars

Above and below, the broken pillars awaiting paint

Then everything was given a black undercoat. All the pieces were then drybrushed with Games Workshop Tallarn Sand. Two or three coats of increasingly lighter tones were then applied.

The painted base

The model dry assembled.

The next step will be to fix the pillars to the base, add some rubble and then add some stone slabs across the tops of the tall pillars.


  1. I am truly impressed by your creative and wonderful job...Inspiring!

    1. Thank you Phil. It is beginning to take shape now.

  2. Looking good with the ruins. How do the Brigade Games figures compare with others? I haven't purchased any yet but am thinking about their 95th Rifles which look very nice.

    1. The figures are all Paul Hicks designs, so great detail. They seem to compare size wise, but I haven't done any direct comparrisons yet. The pricing has changed for us though because our Pacific Peso has dropped nearly 5% in the last week with our change of government.

  3. A big box of lead on the doorstep is a great way to pick up one's spirits! Hicks is a great sculptor. Your Egyptian ruins are progressing handsomely!

    1. Thanks Jonathan. I am really looking forward to working on the War of 1812. I haven't paint any of Paul's figures since the last lot of Russo-Japanese War about three years ago. Whenever a parcel is due I get that boyish excitement when I turn into the driveway, because I get a glimpse of the place that the postman leaves them...I am always devastated when it hasn't arrived yet.

  4. Lovely looking ruins, they're coming along well and it's always nice to get a package in the post!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. i have three mor parcels on the way, so more joy to come.

  5. Those corks work really well Mark...

    I think Alan Perry used Champagne corks for some of the pillars in his Roman ruins for the Battle of Alexandria game... the bulbous end works well as the base for the pillar...

    Or maybe he was just being a bit flash....;-)

    All the best. Aly

    1. Yes I freely admit that the idea of the corks came from Alan's display. They should sit on a plinth - and I may make those when I mount them on the base. They should also have a capital - either a Lotus or a Papyrus flower, but I am using a bit of artistic license and leaving that out.

      The ruins will go on hold for a while now that I have toys to paint and I will be away the week after next, quite near you actually...well relatively speaking in that we are around around 18,000 kms apart now and in a couple of weeks I will be in Toulouse a mere 1,000 km from you!

    2. 1,000km... so close...
      Shall I fire up the jet , put some Bollinger on ice and pop over.... :-) :-)...
      If only...
      Have fun...

      All the best. Aly

    3. Some bits will be fun and some productive, but it that 26 houes sitting inside a metal tube to get there and then the same to get home that I am not looking forward to. Still, there is a toy soldier shop there that I have visited it will all be worth it!

  6. Nice looking ruins Mark but I fully understand that you have to put them to one side now you have some "men" to paint! I am still slowly working my way through the plastic Covenanters and I have 16 Bicorne pike men on the way too, to finish off three regiments of Renegade Scots.

    1. Yes I have been following your Scottish expension. You must have enough Scots now to present a field ECW army.

    2. ...that should read "...a complete ECW army."
