
Wednesday 30 August 2017

Work in Progress

With the lead pile levelled and no plans to order any more figures until at least the end of September, I have turned my attention to a few items of scenery for our upcoming annual wargames week.

First up is a set of  plastic wattle fences from Renedra. These I bought for use with the Dark Ages project, but they will also have a role with the East African and various Eastern European villages I have done of late.  When I broke the fences from their sprues and glued on the stands they looked too straight...too regular. So I decided to take some of the longer pieces and bend them a little to soften the lines. I like the result. I painted them black, then drybrushed them with brown and then several lighter shades.

Second was a piece for the East African game. It is a rocky outcrop in the jungle with a pond in the centre that flows out with a small waterfall. This will go together with the several dozen jungle pieces already made.

Finally there are two African huts (and the full set below). I still have at least four more of these to complete.


  1. Wonderful job, the pond is a masterpiece!

    1. Thank you Phil. It is something a little different.

  2. All good addition! The huts look great!

    1. Thanks Jonathan. They are a bit of fun. I think I need to make a bit of vegetation to go around it.

  3. Lovely pond, the wattle fence looks better less regular and nice huts.
    Best Iain

    1. The pond is really a bit of practice for a future project. I think I will have to "wrinkle" some of the straight fence pieces.

  4. Bending that fence made it infinitely better! I love that pool, too. Great work, as ever, Mark.

    1. I can see the "need" for another pack of these fences.

  5. Nice work, the wattle fences are also on my list of things to get, for Saxony 1813 :)

    1. I was really imprssed with these. I think I will be getting some more of these and a few ither of their fences in the near future - the ACW stonewall and rail fences look really good.

  6. Great scenics as always Mark - the huts may be useful for our earlier Colonial or Ultra Modern skirmish games too - and I see you are still working your way through the $4 worth of plastic foliage - bargain of the year that stuff!

    1. I still have about 20 of those clumps of plastic foliage left. I hope to be able to get them all based up before Tarawera. The village huts were baepsed pretty mich on what I saw in Kenya and Tanzania in 2012, but yes pretty much usable in numerous wargame theatres.

  7. That's some nice scenery, love the waterfall

    1. Thanks Russ. The original plan was for a bigger waterfall, but it would hhave proved impractical on the planned table.
