
Sunday 23 July 2017

The Ekaterinoslav Cuirassier Regiment.

This week's effort has been around the second of the cuirassier regiments for the Russian Napoleonic army, the Ekaterinoslav Regiment.

All that remains of the Russian collection now is the horse battery, that is in transit (and should arrive in the next few days) and a regiment of hussars.


  1. Very nice work yet again Mark - will they be part of the Napoleonic game in Tarawera on Oct?

    1. I hope so - none of these have seen a battlefield yet.

  2. White coats, yellow facings, and blackened armor make this a sharp dressed cuirassier regiment. Great work!

    1. Thanks Jonathan. I knew that when I put the first coat of yellow on they had the potential to be spectacular and I am pleased with the final result.

  3. Excellent, yes the yellow looks fabulous!

    1. Thanks Mark. I did cheat a little in that I didn't paint the cyphers on the saddle cloths because my heavy handed style would detract! Next step is to actually get them on the table...

    2. Yeah I don't tend to pain those either :)

    3. I did do them on the other regiment, but that was white on a dark blue cloth. This would have been white on yellow and would have required a black one first with a white on top to get any sort of would have been bad enough to do them once...but twice?!

  4. Another fine-looking unit. That yellow looks nice and solid - I'm still searching for one that I'm happy with. One day, hopefully...

    1. I really like this unit and it's the yellow that does it. I use the Games Workshop "Flash Gitz Yellow". It still takes a couple, maybe three coats to get the right colour depth, but it seems to do the trick

    2. I tried the same GW Yellow but switched to the Foundry triad base and intermediate colour in the hope that I might be able to get away with just two coats. I find it's OK for block painting, but still try to avoid painting anything with yellow piping or thin borders. I suppose that's just the nature of yellow, and can recall that even the Humbrol paints were problematic. One day perhaps...

    3. One technique I have tried is two coats, but add a little brown to the first coat. I did this when I painted the Carlist Wars cavalry in their yellow coats and it meant that there was a need for just the two coats rather than three.

      I have just decided on my project for next year...the Great Norther War, and guess what? The Swedes have yellow facings!

  5. Great looking unit, that yellow really makes them pop! Lovely finish all round.
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. I think this is my favourite unit of this army so far...although the hussars may challenge that statement.
