
Sunday 9 July 2017

Dark Ages Project Complete!

With the completion of these two units of Dark Age archers, my pocket Dark Ages project has come to a close.

Inspired by the TV programme "Vikings",  from the outset this project had quite finite bounds and was intended as a simple beer and skittles type of game of short duration on a small table. It also had to fit into a tight budget and for that reason I decided to use the Gripping Beast Plastics.

So what is the extent of the project?

4 units of Viking Hirdsmen
2 Viking leaders
2 Viking musicians
4 units Saxon Thegns
2 Saxon leaders
2 Saxon musicians
4 units of warriors (usable as either Vikings or Saxons)
3 units of archers (usable as either Vikings or Saxons)
6 Dark Age buildings.

Each unit consists of two stands each of five figures, while the leaders and hornblowers are single figures.

While the project is complete, the armies will not see action until October. 


  1. Wow! You really knocked the Viking project out quickly. Like always, your figures are remarkable but the buildings are exceptional. I love your buildings!

    1. Thank you Jonathan. There are four more buildings on the way...the direct result of a wet weekend here. They should be in a state good enough for posting by mid-week.

  2. Looking great Mark! Jonathan is right - you do get things together pretty fast!

    1. Thanks Nathan. I guess that project management course paid off eh? A number of these projects are set to coincide with a trip down your way later in the year.

  3. Lovely work Mark. It's always a special feeling when one can declare a project to be complete. Were the GB plastics OK to put together?

    1. Yes you are right the completion of a project has a unique satisfaction. There should be another project complete next month - the Russian Napoelonics...a significantly longer project than the Dark Ages one. The GB figures were pretty good to assemble, with between one and five pieces to glue on. Many complain about assembling plastic figures and if you glue them all up at once it can indeed be a chore. But I have a trick to routine is to paint six figures a night, so I only assemble six figures at a time, usually on the night before so that they are ready for the next day. In this way the tedious, fiddly work of assembly is lessened.

  4. Ditto to Jonathon and Nathans comments Mark - I wonder if my lovely Valkyries will ever get into a stoush with these fellas?

  5. That's a lot of figures in a short time! They look great and I like your hand painted shields, the buildings have come out really well too. I need to focus on scenery soon, too distracted by finishing units!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. I did consider the shield transfers, but deciced to hand paint them instead...nothing too fancy but effective enough all the same.

  6. Wonderful figures and buildings Mark!
