
Monday 17 April 2017

Russian Napoleonic Peasants

With the lead pile partly renewed I have started back on the Russian Napoleonics.

First off the painting table is a unit of peasants. These are Perry Miniatures, two packs of the peasants with some captured weapons and one pack of peasants attacking with agricultural implements. There will be a second unit like this to come next month.

Once again they have been based on winter stands.


  1. Very Nice Mark, A useful addition to this project.

    1. Thanks Stu. You really MUST have peasants with a Russian army, don't you think?

  2. Great batch of grizzled, old veterans! Your basing certainly lends a sense of cold to the diorama.

    1. Thanks Jonathan. They have great character these figures. But I think that six figures on a stand may be too tight for peasants - five might look better so if I can remove them easily from the stands I may re-base.

  3. Beautifully done, and I think six figures looks just fine. They all look suitably cold.

    Your post on rules got me thinking about those WWII naval rules we used to play (didn't John Palmer write them?) and if there are any copies of those lying around. They were a lot of fun as I recall.

    1. I did enjoy the peasants with all their character. I have just finished a unit of Russian jägers skirmishing in winter dress and they are wonderful characters too - even though they are in greatcoats. I have decided to reduce the numbr of peasents to five per stand, in part to make them look even more irregular and in part to reduce the cost of the next unit!

      John Palmer now there is a name from the past. He headed off to the USA aometime in the mid-1980s and hasn't been heard of since. Barry may have a copy so I will ask him when I see him next.

    2. Please don't go to any trouble on my account. I think I probably have a dog-eared copy somewhere anyway, although if there was a copy of the air rules that went with them it would make the perfect reason to catch up for a beer next time I'm over. Not that I'll need an excuse, and I'd definitely like to meet for a pint or two if you are available.

    3. It would be great to catch up. It must be 30 years ago that I last saw you at one of those parties we held in Remuera. Next time you come across drop me an email at mark dot g dot strachan at me dot com. In the worst case if we struggle to meet up I am at the airport every weekday from 06:30 and we could grab a coffee or something before you head back to BNE.

    4. Sounds good Mark. I'm planning on heading across in early June so will definitely drop you a line then.
