
Monday 3 April 2017

Napoleonic Game

Yesterday, Sunday, we played a Napoleonic game. Three players a side, French vs an allied force of Poles, Bavarians and Confederation of the Rhine. There were about 30 battalions and six or seven batteries on each side. The French had only three regiments of cavalry, the allies six.

The French were attempting to capture a town that was the convergence of  several roads that were vital for further allied operations.

Although we had some local successes, we failed to form a cohesive attack in some very disruptive terrain and were eventually driven off.

It was a fun day...even if we French could couldn't roll high dice to save our lives!!!

Here are a number of images taken during the game, not in any particular sequence.



  1. What a fantastic looking game Mark!

    1. Thanks would have better if we had won...but them's the breaks...

  2. Shame I was not able to attend - I could have added my Austrians to the victorious Allied army....or maybe my French would have joined you in ignominious defeat Mark! The pictures are wonderful as always

    1. The issue we French had was that the game was played up the table instead if across and we had a restricted front. In resrospect we should have concentrated on the right where the terrain was more open. In the end we got trapped in tight spaces and could not bring enough units to bear. But it was fun all the same. JB sacrificed himself well.

  3. Masses of Napoleonics for a Sunday afternoon outing. Great way to spend the day!
    What rules are you using for resolution?

    1. Thank you Jonathan. Yes it was a pleasant way to spend the day - a few wines would have made it better, but I had to drive home afterwards!

      The rules are homegrown, developed from a variety of sources over the last 30+ years.

      At the core of the rules is that assumption that in all military organisations units are pretty stable until stressed. So provided that units are in good order and under control, your units will pretty much do what you like (although sometimes units will move a little slower that you want and conversely sometimes may move faster). That said, once units get knocked around a little or are out of control, things can go very wrong very quickly.

      The link below will take you to a storage location for the rules and their associated Quick Reference Handbooks (QRHs). You are welcome to download them for personal use.

  4. Sounds great, wonderful terrain and figures Mark!

    1. Thank you Phil. i just wish the result had been in my favour!

  5. Great looking game Mark. How many hours did it take to play that one through?

    1. We started at around 10:00 and finished about 3:00, with a break for lunch. Not too bad when there are six players. That tropical cyclone that hit you in QLD is with us now - it has picked up a whole lot more water as it came across the Tasman and is dropping it on us now!

    2. A good five-hour game sounds about my speed nowadays.

      We got the tail-end of the cyclone in Brisbane and it mainly rained heavily where I am, although all the creeks were turned into small rivers for twenty-four hours or so. There was a lot more of a mess twenty kilometres down the road and into northern NSW.

    3. The games are usually a little longer, but the rules we use thes days get a rapid result even with large armies.

      The rain has caused a few problems here today with sone localised flooding and lots of slips. We really have had a miserable summer and early autumn this year.
