
Friday 10 March 2017

Russian Infantry Completed

Last night I finished the last battalion of my Russian infantry division.

This is the last of twelve battalions, eight musketeer an four jäger - a total of 288 figures, all Perry Miniatures plastics. And here they are...

The whole division drawn up in brigade masses, the first musketeer brigade on the left, the second musketeer brigade in the centre and the jäger brigade on the right.

The First Musketeer Brigade

The Second Musketeer Brigade

The Jäger Brigade

In the coming months the three supporting batteries will be added, along with some supporting cavalry - a brigade of dragoons and a brigade of cuirassiers. The Cossacks are already on hand.


  1. Your Russian division is a spectacular sight! Great job, Mark!

    1. Thanks Jonathan. It has been a long project - with a few deviations into the Crimean War, Carlist War and Retreat from Moscow. I am looking forward to working on the cavalry that will come next month.

  2. Fantastic, great to see all that massed infantry! :)

    1. Thanks Mark. Russians always look good in those big masses. One day I will actually get them on a gaming table!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Tony. I must admit that as I had painted each battalion I had put them in their storage trays so this was the first time I had seen them all was quite pleasing.

    2. I say it would be pleasing to discover how much you have accomplished!

    3. Somehow, for me, it never seems like an accomplishment until the project is complete and the figures are in use on the table. It will be at least another three months, maybe four, until this one is finished.

  4. Very impressive...and beautiful!

  5. I still have those old Hinchliffe 28mm British around somewhere. I must bring them across next time I'm over so you can beat me again with your new Russian army (although next time I may not be so keen to charge my Scots Greys across the front of one of your batteries). Lovely work.

    1. Thanks Lawrence. Ah those big Russian batteries under the old WRG rules were great. I remember playing in a competition once and my opponent placed his regiment of eight elite Saxon cuirassiers in front of my battery of four guns and two howitzers at medium range. I rolled six dice and rolled six sixes. That was eight hits - one each for the guns and two each for the howitzers. The look on his face was priceless as he removed the whole regiment from play. In the next turn I scored another five hit on a neighbouring dragoon regiment and it was all over - he had lost so many points in those two salvoes that there was no coming back.

  6. Another great job Mark - how have you based them? The stands look suspiciously like they may be 40mm x 40mm which are different from how all our other Napleonics are based... "they do look very pretty Colonel, but can they fight?" (The Dirty Dozen circa 1970)

    1. Thanks Keith. There is a subtle difference in the basing. They are based four stands of six figures on a stand with 45mm frontage and 40mm depth. The overall frontage is the same as the current six stands 30 x 40.
