
Monday 2 January 2017

Retreat from Moscow

I have completed the first full units for the Retreat from Moscow project and they make a good subject for the first post of the year.

An infantry battlion...

And a cavalry regiment.


  1. Very cool, makes me want to turn the heating up....

    1. Thanks Neil. I like these figures very much, but other than a painting exrecise, I am uncertain about thier use at present.

    2. Hi Mark - Happy New Year! Looks like you had a good time in Fiji over Christmas. I was wondering about how you were planning to "use" these figures as well...?

    3. G'day Keith. Yes Fiji was great, but rapidly becoming a distant memory! I suspect that the "Retreat..." figures will wind up on a shelf in my study. I still have a few packs to come to make one figure of each in the range. Keep an eye out for the next post, it should stimulate some interest in our group project.

  2. Wonderful figures but as you say terrain dependant which has always put me off. You have done a great job on these Mark, looking forward to see how the year shapes up.

    1. Thanks Stu. I think these are some of the Perrys’ best work. They catch the atmosphere perfectly and although it is pretty warm here at the moment, I feel the winter chill when I paint them! I have some thought about how they might be used on a table at some point in the future, but for now they are just a painting exercise.
