
Monday 24 October 2016

Cavalry, Infantry and a Milestone

It has been a busy week on the painting table with four Carlist War Isabelino units  completed, although the last one still has its bases to be completed. 

The first of two heavy cavalry squadrons is done. They were quite a bit of work really because the yellow tunics take a lot of time. As I have mentioned before I find yellow a difficult colour to work with. The trumpeter, in red, is an impressive figure.

Then there were two line infantry battalions. These are the last line battalions that will be done in full dress. The remaining four will be in greatcoat and fatigue caps.

Finally there is the light cavalry squadron. This is the unit with the basing unfinished. The command group is particularly nice, with the officer glancing to one side and the trumpeter all in red.

Of particular note here is that the light cavalry marks a bit of a milestone for me, tipping my painting count at just over the 10,000 painting points for the year to date (on the basis of  each foot figure = 5 points, each mounted figure or gun = 10 points and scratch built items are rated at 10 points for each hour of work). 


  1. Oh man, I love the cavalry. The yellow tunics make these fellows jump off my screen!
    Napoleonics have nothing over the Carlist Wars. If only I didn't already have a 28mm Napoleonics project, Carlist Wars would require even greater restraint.

    As for your painting milestone, what can I say that I have not repeated often? You are a painting machine! Still, two months remain in the year. What heights could you ultimately hit?

    I really like your three cavalry figure basing too. Gives me something to consider given my two figure basing for 28mm Napoleonics.

    1. You know, when I took the first set of heavy cavalry figures out of the box I knew they were going to make a special unit. When I put the first coat of yellow on them I knew they would be spectacular...and they are lance armed which makes them even more spectacular!

      My intention is to have this project finished by the end of the year, so looking at what is outstanding there is about another 1600 points. Thee are also a few odds and ends laying about that need finishing, so 12,000 points is a much for what I thought was going to be a quiet year!

      I though hard about the three man cavalry bases and on a 50mm wide base they are a tight fit, but they look menacing, as cavalry should. I really do wish I had followed this course when doing the Crimean War cavalry.

  2. Absolutly superb (as always!), love the light cavalry squadron...Fantastic painting and basing on all of them!

    1. Thank you Phil. I have just finished the bases on the light cavalry. They look really great.

  3. There's nothing more inspiring than a well done unit of "canaries" on the gaming table.

    Having recently done a cavalry unit in yellow (of not nearly as many figures), I can relate to the challenges involved and the achievement that your unit of heavies represents, doubly so given the level of production that you maintain (both quality and quantity!).


    1. Thanks Ed. There is something about that yellow pigment that just clings to the brush and makes it so hard to work with. But a bit of persitance pays off. This is a busy week so production will slow.

  4. Lovely work. I always find that yellow either looks too bright if I leave it alone or too muddy if I try and use a wash. These look spot on. All of these units inspire. I would love to see a table full of your figures.

    1. Thanks Michael. I am really pleased with these.
