
Wednesday 12 October 2016

Carlist Army Complete

It has been a busy time on the painting table in the last couple of weeks.

I have completed the last four units of the Carlist army for the First Carlist War project.

First up is the second unit of Valencian infantry for the army.

Second is an Alava infantry battalion.

Third is a Guipúzcoa infantry battalion.

Fourth is the final cavalry squadron, from the Tortosa region.

With these complete I am moving on to the Isabelino forces, starting with the artillery. A gun and four horse artillery crew are on the painting table as this is being posted.


  1. You ARE a painting machine! These fellas knew how to dress for battle. Splendid results as always.

    1. Thanks Jonathan. I am certainly managing to get through them at present, which is probably as much attributable to the dreadful rash of bad weather we have had in the last month as anything else. It interesting that I considred last year a busy year a busy one with 5,800 paint points, but this year, with two and a half months to go, I am edging towards 10,000! Next year WILL be quieter because I will be focussing on smaller projects.

    2. 10,000 painting points worth of troops in 2016? That is gobsmackingly impressive!
      While we share the same three obsessions, you take it to a higher level! In a great year I managed a little over 5,000PP. You double that. You ARE a machine.

    3. If I keep up my target to finish the Carlist Wars armies by the end if this year I will actually be up over the 11,000 mark. It would be a little higher, but I have a work trip to SE Asia in November that will take a whole five days out of the schedule!

  2. Another army done! This is turning into a very productive year for you Mark!

    1. ...but only half the project...well probably 60%. I hope to get these on the table early in the year.

  3. Excellent as always, Valencian infantry is my favourite!

  4. Even more cracking work! That's some nifty painting.

    1. Thanks Russ. I am working on some Isabelino figures now that are wonderfully gaudy - lots of blues, reds and yellows.

  5. I did not know the Spanish wore "kilts". The colors really look interesting.

    1. Yes some of the Valencian units wore the traditional kilts. I really enjoy working with these colourful armies, although I am about to start some of the more bland units.
