
Saturday 24 September 2016

The Ontoria Hussars

 There is just something about hussars, isn't there? It must be that pelisse nonchalantly slung over one shoulder and that swagger they exude that makes them so spectacular.

But add a lance, with a skull and crossbones on the pennant, give them a white dolman wth red and green braid, black pelisse, red trousers and a blue beret and you get the Ontoria hussars from the Perry First Carlist War range. They are super spectacular. 

This is easily the most impressive Carlist unit I have done so far in this Carlist War project.


  1. Replies
    1. They certainly are, Tony. The Perrys have certainly put some real passion into this range. The quality and animation are superb.

  2. These hussars are so cool! Spectacular, for sure!

    1. Thanks Jonathan. I am liking this range more and more as the project progresses. I think by the time I have finished I will have painted every figurevin the range!

    2. I am liking it more and more too!
      So very tempting...

    3. ...and as the Great Crimean War project draws to an end, there will be quite a few more Carlist war units coming this way...

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Nathan. These Carlist figures are great to work with.

  4. And now, Ladies and gentlemen...These awesome Hussars! Spectacular and awesome Mark, they look superb...and motivated!

    1. Thanks Phil. These Carlist cavalry do look pretty amazing. There are two more units waiting in their packaging to be uniformed in reds, blues and greens.

  5. I got very excited at first when I thought this post was entitled "Ontaria Hussars" and thought it was about a Canadian tank regiment. Then I saw your painting and got excited all over again. Terrific figures, full of dash and brought to life by your brushwork. I like 'em, and I don't even know exactly what the Carlist Wars were. :)

    1. Oddly tou are the second person who has made the same assumption - it is a simple matter of vowel placement! I too was unaware of the Carlist Wars (other than seeing those gorgeous figures on the Perry site) until I saw an aricle of the British Auxillary Legion in Wargames Illustrated last year. That was it, I was hooked.

  6. Wow, the hammer smashing armies. These are an spectacular hussars collections.
