
Sunday 18 September 2016

A Painting Table Update

Its been a busy week on the painting table, although there isn't much to show in the way of finished product. I have managed to pump out 80 figures during the week but only a single battalion of 18 Navarrese Guides is based.

The other 62 figures painted this week were a battalion of un-uniformed Carlists (waiting to be based), two civilian figures and 42 French Crimean infantry. The latter are not entirely finished because when I received the order back in early-August they were shipped without their back packs. Those packs are on their way, but won't be here until late next week and then have to be painted then glued onto the already finished figures before the regiment can be based.


  1. Eighty figures in one week? My God, man! You ARE a painting machine!
    Excellent work by the way.

    1. Thanks Jonathan. That Navarrese unit has come up really nicely. I was a bit uncertain of the colour combiniations, but they have worked well.

      Eighty figures is a stretch for me - around half that number is more common. I have a well practiced routine that allows me to comfortably complete six foot or three mounted figures a night. Thankfully the French for this period do not have particularly complex uniforms so twelve foot a night was quite achievable. In fact I had a day off work during the week while I waited for a service man to turn up, so I managed a few more than that.

  2. Superb, they are superb, painting and basing are excellent!

    1. Thank you Phil. There are some really spectaular units coming soon.

  3. Very nice as always. Even forty figures is an amazing weekly output, I would like to know more about your technique!

    1. Thanks. My technique is nothing spectacular, but my approach is probably a bit different. If I get a chance I will try to document the process.

  4. Very colourful looking troops.

    1. Thanks Russ. i must admit that after working with all those browns, greys and black with the Russian Crimean sar regiments, it is nice to be back working with colour again!
