
Saturday 13 August 2016

So what's come off the painting table this week?

Why its more Crimean Russian's of course!

The first task was to finish off the bases of the Odessa Jäger Regiment and the Ingermanland hussars that I painted last week. This took a couple of hours over two nights.

Then it was the Ukraine Jäger Regiment, the sixth of seven I am building.

Then it was the Archduke Ferdinand Hussar Regiment, number 8. Readers of my last post may have noted that I said I was determined not to do a unit of Russian horse on all white horses, but I relented and I am pleased I did.

Since the rest of the French infantry that are on order cannot be expected for another couple of weeks, I am not sure if I can face another regiment of Russians in their dull greatcoats just yet, so I may have to work on a unit of Carlist War figures just to get some varirty in colour.

Speaking of the Carlist War a few weeks ago, when I was waiting the the lead mountain to arrive, I scratch built a rocket cart for the British Auxillary Legion rocket troop (when I evenutally get around to buying it). I got the idea from a photo on Phil Robinson's blog. The basis of the model is a Foundry British artillery carriage that I had laying about on which I fixed the boxes and their contents that I made from plasticard and some plastic rod.


  1. Another amazing job, love the flags above this beautiful infantry, spectacular and terrific!

    1. Thank you Phil. All these armies will fight theirvfirst battle tomorrow. A report will follow.

  2. Zooming through that lead pile Mark! A grand parade fort he Crimea can't be too far off can it?

    1. Tomorrow is the big day. The armies will march for the first time - 48 battalions, 14 cavalry regiments and 19 guns...

  3. Very nice - and that rocket cart is very clever too!

    1. Thanks. The cart came together really quickly and was pretty much done in a couple of nights.

  4. You are a painting machine! I agree with Phil; that yellow/green flag is striking! Never had the courage to paint an all white cavalry formation. Good for you! I like the result. Your rocket wagon is a gem!

    1. Thanks Jonathan. Only 66 Russian infantry to go, then a couple of regiments of French and another Russian battery and the army is finished...for now.
