
Saturday 7 May 2016


WThe next batch of lead has been slow to arrive, so I have resorted to scrounging around in the Franco-Prussians extras box. There I found six horses, four French cuirassier troopers, a Bavarian cuirassier trooper and a there was a general officer, all Foundry figures. The fact that there are single figures of these shows how long they have been kicking around since to the best of my knowledge Foundry haven't sold single figures since the early 1990's.

If I took a French cuirassier officer from a command base that I had and replaced the  cuirassier with the general figure, and if I could convert the Bavarian to a French cuirassier standard bearer, I could complete a regiment of six figures.

So I took the Bavarian trooper and trimmed off the crest on the helmet. Then with some green stuff I put some skirts on his tunic and epaulettes on his shoulders. When all that had cured I put a mane and tuft on the helmet. Finally I gave him knee high boots. Painted up he looks fine.

So, from a few odds and ends I have a regiment of cuirassiers that can be used in the Crimean and in the Franco-Prussian Wars.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes curassiers are great, aren't they? I had four regiments of these back in the days when I had a big Franco-Prussian collection, so it is like being reacquainted with old friends!

  2. These cuirassiers are superb, great paintjob and basement...

    1. Thank Phil. Looking forward to working on a unit of Chasseurs d'Afrique that are somewhere between the UK and here.

  3. Very creative to piece together a unit form bits and pieces. Fine looking unit.

  4. Nicely done, they look spot on!

    1. Thanks Russ. I hope to get the standard on them in the next few days.

  5. Evening Mark,
    Im not certain how else to be able to contact you, but I am putting together as much information as possible regarding the late great Peter Gilder and would like to use your photographs from your visit to the WHC and if you would like some text from yourself re that visit.
    Check my blogs etc at independent wargames group to verify this is genuine. Nice blog by the way.

    1. No problem Robbie. I will put something together for you - this may take a week or so as I have some travel committments in the next few days.
