
Tuesday 24 May 2016

Back into the Painting

Well the Singapore trip is well and truly over. The hot and steamy 33-35 degree (Celsius) temperatures have been replaced by the cold, wet and wind of the first winter storm in Auckland.


I am back into the painting for the great Crimean War game. First off the blocks are some Wargames Foundry Chasseurs d’Afrique to fix up an error in ordering I made back in January. Now instead of one regiment, there are two.

Second is another Foundry unit – and also an error. I had intended to order a Don Cossack Battery, but selected the wrong code and got line artillery instead! The Cossack battery is re-ordered.

Also on the painting table is a regiment of freshly arrived French Crimean War infantry and a couple of British batteries, all from great War, but more on them later.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Rodger...rather rushed the photos though!

  2. Great job, love your Chasseurs d’Afrique...

    1. Thanks Phil. I am about half way through the first French Line infantry battalion and they are looking very nice. They should be on the blog by Sunday.

  3. More great additions to this interesting project, Mark! Love the Foundry CW figures!

    1. Thanks Jonathan. The only complaint I had was that the gun wheels were a bit small, otherwise the gun crew in particular have lots of character
