
Tuesday 2 February 2016

Russian Church - Part 1

With the completion of the mounted Sardinian officer shown in the last post, I have conquered the lead mountain (only temporarily because another order is due towards the end of the month). I needed another project. 


For me these fill-in projects are always terrain items and I wanted something spectacular, something Russian. What better than a Russian church that I can use for the Crimea, for the Napoleonic Wars and for the future Great Northern War project.


After a brief search on the web I drew inspiration from this image.

It has all things I like in a model building; stone and wood (both of which give me the opportunity for deep texture), an irregular roof line to give character, and some gilded steeple roofs to give a final bit of dash.


I quickly sketched up the basic shape and made up the cardboard form, shown here.

I know it looks rough here, but inside a week it will have started to take some shape.

The spires will be added towards the end of the process (when I have figured out how to make them). The front porch will also be added at the end.

The first level of texture will start tomorrow.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Phil, although it nver looks much at this stage. There will probanly be a few more additions to the cardboard form as I progress.

  2. This will be another nifty project to follow, Mark.

    1. It will certainly keep me busy on these hot summer evenings.

  3. Mark,

    Are you going to retain the spire shape our change to onion tops?
    If so you could use curtain finials?

    1. I quite like the look of the tiled roof in the image. It is probably more typical of the more rural areas. I made an onion dome from scratch some years ago and it drove me mad!

  4. Excellent work so far, looking forward to seeing updates

    1. Thanks Russ. Things will start to shape up on this quite quickly.
