
Wednesday 24 February 2016

Back to painting

Having finished the Russian Church, I have moved onto the first batch of painting for February.

First up is some Russian Napoleonics. This is an army for which I have great nostalgia. It was my first Napoleonic army, and my first metal army for that matter. The original army was all Hinchliffe models and as I remember they cost me the princely sum of 7p an figure. I sold the army back in the late 1980's and ever since the Perry plastic figures came out I have been considering recreating it. Late last month I took the leap and here is the first of what will be twelve battalions.

Next is the Russian Crimean War army. The first two artillery stands and a couple of mounted officers from Great War Miniatures.

Finally there is the Russian Orthodox priest who will go with the church, and any of my Russian armies really. His head was originally an old (very old) Citadel villager with a Green Stuff beard added. The hands came from spares the Perry Wars of the Roses boxes. The rest of the figure I made from Green Stuff.

The second infantry regiment is in progress.


  1. A good match for the church I think. Is this the year of the Russians? Napoleonic, Crimea and a possible Great Northern War on the horizon?

    1. The Crimeans are a certainty. The Napoleonics will be a little more "occasional" - largely because I still have 700 Crimeans to be completed before October and budget has a large part to play. GNW is unlikley this year, but it is in the mix for next year.

  2. Excellent paint job, the Russian Crimean War artillery is my favorite...

    1. Thanks Phil. Artillery always looks good, doesn't it?

  3. Great work on the Russians! I especially enjoy seeing the fine work on the Great Wars Russian Crimean gun and crew. I may need to investigate Great Wars for my own project. How do the Great Wars Russians match up against Foundry's Crimean War range? Are they comparable?

    1. Thanks Jonathan. I went the Great War way in part becuase of cost (Foundry are 20% dearer) and in part because I really enjoyed working on the Great War WWI range a couple of years back. Great War are definately larger - they are a 28mm figure whereas the Foundry range (which are nearly 30 yaers old now) are 25mm. I think as separate units they will be fine, but might not mix wiin a unit. The Russian NCOs dressing the line is a great little pack - I finished it last night and will try to post something tonight.

    2. I look forward to it! As for the Foundry CW figures, I still find them on eBay for about USD$1 each for foot. Perhaps you would enjoy a Care Package from the States occasionally?

    3. I am going to need quite a few Turks at some point, so I shall keep an eye on eBay for them.
