
Monday 11 January 2016

The Mill, part 8 - the first lick of paint.

While the chinney is still under construction, and it will still be another evening's work, I was able to start painting the model. I need to do this because parts of the model will not be able to accessed once final assembly begins.

I had to add one more detail. At the foot of the stairs the point where the hand rail joins the model is a very weak connection, so to strengthen it I added a barrel, a metal casting from many years ago. I attached it to the stairs with green stuff and then stacked some green stuff sacks around it. It is a really strong joint now.

After undercoating most of the model in black, I worked on the wooden detail, first dry brushing it tith terra cotta. I then gradually lightened the surface by adding degrees of white to the mix, dry brushing it over the detail. Finally a light dusting of pure white was applied.

This picture shows how the model sits on its base. The water will "run" down the race between the building and the stone wall, under the wheel and into the mill pond. The flat abrubt end to the base on the left is where the bridge, under which the "water" will flow into the race,  will join the model.

This image shows the other end of the mill pond. The beginnings of the chimney can be seen rising on the left. You can also see how the mill itself sits slightly raised above the pond.

 A closer shot of the pond end of the model.

Tomorrow night I expect to have most of the base texturing completed and the bulk of the model painted.


  1. Very nice Mark it's really coming along now.

    1. Thank you Stu. I want this to be the central feature of a game. I am beginning to think of a scenario now.

  2. Amazing details Mark, amazing details...

    1. Thank you Phil. This has been an enjoyable little project.

  3. Gorgeous even at this intermediate stage!

    1. Thanks Jonathan, all going well the bulk of the painting will be completed tonight and the whole model finished by Friday.
