
Tuesday 22 December 2015

Wars of the Roses Project - Completed!

Sunday saw the completion of the WotR project when I put the last coat of paint on the last two units of archers.

What was intended as a small project -  a retinue of 30 archers, 15 Knights and 15 billmen - has suffered a bit of scope creep and now there are 324 foot and 24 mounted figures. The army might extend a little bit more with the addition of some light cavalry. The whole army is made up from the Perry plastics.

Over the Christmas break I may have have a proper "parade", but for now here are a few shots of the latest unit of knights and billmen.


Henry and standard bearer

The knights

The billmen


  1. Great project, Mark! I look forward to seeing the collection out on the table for a review.

    1. Thank you Jonathan. You see what I mean about scope creep?

    2. Indeed, I do! For me, it seems unavoidable. For you, I think the same!

  2. Excellent and very impressive, fabulous details on armors...

  3. Thank you Phil, and Joyeux Noel to you. You give me too much credit though, the detail on the armour has more to do with the qualityvof the figures than the quality of my paining...I am paint and wash man these days!

  4. Great work Mark. Only a slight increase in the numbers for this project. It will be good to see them all paraded.

  5. Thanks Nathan. I expect that the parade will take place earlybin the New Year when I send her indoors away for a few days and I have the house to myself.

  6. You turn your back for just ten minutes and Marks painted another army!
    Amazing output once again Mark my retinue is starting to look like it needs some serious reinforcements.

  7. Ah, but so many armies to paint, but so little time. Back into the Crimeans in the New Year!

  8. Looks awesome! Such great figures. It's hard to stop collecting these ones they are just so good. Nice colours, painting and basing. cheers

  9. Thanks Kiwi, I had a lot of fun with these.
