
Saturday 31 October 2015

Roman Villa, Part 10

The last couple of days has seen quite a bit of the model completed. 

The stable is complete now and all but one face is painted - that one face is left at this point because the gate wall needs to be attached to it once all the rest of the model is done. That said, the roof will need a final dry brushing to tone it down a little, but I want to do that once the whole structure is completed so that I can get an even tone across the whole model.

Also complete is the gate, and about half of the roof on the main villa and servant's quarters.

All of the interior space is now painted ready for the main villa block to be glued to the base. However, as I painted the door on the servant's quarters I noticedd that I had failed to put the hinges and door handle on the door. Similarly I had forgotten the hinges on the main there is a quick job for this evening.

The model is about 80% complete now.


  1. That is looking simply fantastic Mark.

    1. Yes it is really starting to come together now.

  2. Incredible details! Love your job...

    1. Thank you Phil. I hope it will all be finished on Monday or Tuesday next week. It has been a fun project.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank Boggler. I would have finished the whole model today, but I was up at 4:00 this morning to watch the Rugby Workd Cup Final and fatigue has got the better of me!
