
Saturday 25 April 2015

My Gallipoli connection

Today is ANZAC day here in New Zealand when we commemorate the sacrifice among the Austrailian and New Zealand Army Corps in the Gallipoli Campaign in 1915.

I don't have a direct connection to the ANZACs because I am not a New Zealander - I was born in Canada and both my parents are English born. But I do have a Gallipoli connection. 

My great uncle, George Strachan, was a gunner in the  Ross & Cromarty Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery, 4th (Highland) Mountain Brigade, attached to 26th Division. He died of wounds at Gallipoli on 5 June, 1915 and is buried in Pink Farm Cemetery, Helles, Turkey. He was 27 year old.

The only records I have of him are the entry in the cemetery record book above and the brass medallion below that was issued to his family in 1916.


  1. The personalized medal is a nice touch of remembrance.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, I agree that it is something unusual. It was found amongst my father's effects some 18 years ago with just a brief description of what it was. I have had it on display in my study ever since.
