
Wednesday 10 September 2014

Tarawera Weekend - Day 4 Saturday 6 September - Part Two

Once again, after a hearty breakfast we headed up to the garage for the first game of the day, a scenario set in Belgium in 1914. The rules for this game were that it had to be finished by 12:20 so that we could play the late war game in the afternoon.


The Belgians were already deployed in the town. The British were advancing up the road that led southwest and the French were just appearing on the Charleroi road (that ran south from the town). The German players had made their plans the evening before and were ready to move onto the table. At 08:30 we started the game.

The Belgians in the town, the HMG behind the barricade


The Germans chose to bring two companies, supported by a section of artillery and two HMGs, from the east of the town on the lower road and the third, supported by two HMGs and two batteries on call from the north of the town. At the same time the German jagers and uhlans, supported by a jager HMG deployed near the farm house.


The Belgian guide cavalry, deployed forward on the hill east of the town, rode forward dismounted and engaged the Germans approaching from the east, while Major Poirot went in search of fuel for the armoured car.

The German infantry advance from the east

Captain Hastings, with the British column marched quickly up the road but were halted abruptly when the cavalry, that was leading the column, came under rifle fire from the Germans north of the town. The French dragoons meanwhile, entered the town along with Captaine Legrand in his taxi.

The British guns deploy to cover the infantry advance

West of the town the Germans became tied up with the Guides and a platoon of French infantry, that were soon joined by the section of French artillery.


The Germans attempted to call their off table artillery, but failed to get a response.


Poirot finally found the fuel for the armoured car and refuelled it. But when he finally prompted Charles to get moving. The German artillery rained down on the road. The Armoured car bogged in a shell hole.

German guns shell the allied positions

Meanwhile the British infantry was caught by the Germans advancing from the north and fell back under fire. When a messenger to Poirot was told that British help was not needed, Hastings began to withdraw to take up skirmishing with the uhlans and jagers.

The British move against the jägers and uhlans

The British take position, with the cavalry HMG in the centre

Finally Charles’ armoured car broke free of the shell holes and drove off the table, ending the game in the Allied favour.


We quickly stripped the table of all its hedges, trees and intact buildings, replacing the buildings with their ruined equivalents and the woods with destroyed woods, ready for the 1918 game. The difference between two terrains was incredible.


The table for the afternoon game

The ruined town

The scenario for the afternoon had four German companies, including one of storm troopers, defending the ruined village against a combined Anglo-French force, supported by tanks. Both sides had air cover.


The British advanced from the south west while the French advanced north. The French advance stalled almost immediately and ground to a complete halt when their only tank, an FT17 was destroyed by German gunfire. To make matters worse for the French, their only aircraft was shot down by rifle and light machinegun fire.


The British pressed boldly through the destroyed woods, pressing their Whippet tank in front.


Above, the British advance and below the British gins engage

The British brought on their aircraft and the Germans countered by bringing theirs on. The two pilots managed to avoid each other and concentrated on making some ground attacks.

The aircraft swirl around


The British infantry attempted to assault the town but were bloodily repulsed.

The Germans in the town

 At the same time the Whippet attempted to drive through the German infantry north of the town, but bogged as it tried to cross the last obstacle.  

 The Whippet moves to attack, but bogs, then...

...breaks through the German line

The German anti-tank gun tried in vain to take out the British tank before it unbogged, but when the tank finally did free itself, it rolled over the infantry to its front and threatened the town from the north.

Here the game ended. 

We cleared the table and retired to the house for wine, Calvados, a filllet of beef, great conversation and DVDs.



  1. These pictures are great, love the terrain and the beautiful minis!!

    1. Thanks Phil. We had a lot of fun. There is one more post to come to finish off the report of the week. I will publish this tomorrow morning.
