
Saturday 19 January 2013

First Regiment of Japanese Infantry Completed

Over the last weekend I finished the first batch of Japanese Infantry from my Russo-Japanese War collection. These four stands a part of my first regiment.
Infantry Regiment No. 29

I intend using my own home grown rules, that started off as a variant of Fire and Fury, but now bear no resemblance to Fire and Fury at all.

Under this system I will raise a Japanese infantry division, which will consists of two brigades each of two regiments, each of 10 stands each of three figures. Attached to each division will be a machinegun company of four stands and between four and six batteries (each represented by a single stand of one gun and crew).

A Russian infantry division will be similarly formed, except the number of machineguns will be two stands.

Of course with me no wargames project will complete without the buildings and terrain to go with it. I already have plans for a pagoda, a Chinese village and a system of fortifications. Watch for details of these in the future.

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