Today marks the twelfth anniversary of this blog - has it really been twelve years?
According to Blogger Statistics there have been 969 posts (including this one), 696,279 visitors (although at least half of them are bots or Viagra advertisers) of which 174 have chosen to follow and 12,258 comments have been posted - half of which are, of course, my replies.
For the occasion I have looked through all the posts (yes all 968 of them) and picked out one from each year as a favourite.
- 2013 - My first post about building something - Building a Bohemian Village
- 2014 - A brief stroll down memory lane - Reminiscing - Wargames Holiday Centre 1986
- 2015 - Five Games in Five days, Part 1 and Part 2
- 2016 - Bringing together a number of projects into a single game - Annual Gaming Event - Day Two - The Crimean War
- 2017 - A bit of fun in the snow - Tarawera Week - Day Five (the last Day)
- 2018 - Visiting some Franco-Prussian War battlefields - News from the Front (2)
- 2019 - A BIG Napoleonic battle - The Battle of Kleinkorbetha
- 2020 - a BIG Crimean War game - A Little Action in the Crimea
- 2021 - The first game after an extended COVID lockdown - A Game at Last!
- 2022 - Digging deep with some historical research - Von Bredow's Death Ride
- 2023 - A odd title for a Prussian hussar regiment - The Dancing Hussars of Krefeld
- 2024 - The culmination of three year's work - The Japanese Invasion of Korea 1592-93
Here's to another twelve years of blogging...if blogs still exist in 2037...