
Thursday 28 February 2013

Russian Flags for RJW

I spent some time this week drawing up some Russian RJW flags, based on an article from a Courier magazine.
Below are the variations for the First Regiment of each division. Top to bottom they are:

Non-Christian troops 1894 version
Non-Christian troops 1883 version
Christian Troops 1894 version
Christian Troops 1883 version

Wednesday 20 February 2013

First Russian Infantry Regiment

As mentioned in the previous post, here is the first picture of my first regiment for the RJW.

Monday 18 February 2013

Four Projects Nearing Completion

At this point of time I have four projects under way.

First is the Russo-Japanese War. Last Friday I finished three items for the Russo-Japanese War Project. The largest item was first regiment of Russian infantry for the RJW. I have done this regiment as a real mix of uniforms. The majority are in khaki, but to reflect the inefficiencies if the Russian supply systems I have done a few in the dark green winter uniform and some in rather grubby white tunics. The second regiment, which I hope to start next week, will be totally in khaki.

The other two items were the brigade command bases for the Russians and Japanese infantry. Each stand has an officer and an NCO. I will try to get some photos of these up later this week.

Second is a couple of Norman buildings that I owe a wargaming friend from years ago. This proved a little more difficult than I expected because the warm weather made the epoxy putty softer than I am used to working with, but they are done now and just need painting.

Third is the Perry Miniatures Russian Napoleonic generals set. I have looked at this set for some time of the Perry site and bought it in the hope that it might inspire me to collect a Russian Napoleonic army. These are truly great figures and I am enjoying working on them. I am not quite sure how I am going to base these yet, so they may remain painted and stored in a box for a while.

I also received the other day a copy of the book ‘The A-Z of the Russo-Japanese War’ which is an excellent reference work. I am now looking to find a reasonably priced modern military history of the wars.

The fourth project is a system of fortifications that can not only be used for the RJW, but also for the ACW and possibly for a future Crimean War project. I have now completed 800mm of trenches, with the intention of working towards a total of about 1,500mm.

Friday 1 February 2013

Two Deliveries This Week

This week saw the arrival of two parcels of figures. 

One was one from Perry Miniatures that among other things, included their superb Napoleonic Generals. I am hoping that this may inspire me to get my Napoleonic Russians going again later this year.

The other parcel continued with the Russian theme with sixty Russians from Tsuba Miniatures' Russo-Japanese War range (Check out the Tsuba Miniatures here). Once again these figures are magnificent with great animation and superb detail. 

I can hardly wait to paint them, but I have a couple of scenic projects to finish first, one of which will appear in an upcoming posting.